meet the photographer
Hi friend!
I'm Hallie, wife, mama, birth storyteller.
I'm a self confessed gym addict, i'm up at 4am every morning chasing the endorphins before my kids wake up!
I love motherhood, it's where I really found my feet in life, but the excitement I feel as the clock strikes bedtime is next level.
Inclusiveness in life is everything to me, especially in birth.
I have experienced birth in 4 different ways, I have experienced birth trauma but I have also felt empowerment, I have pushed my babies into the world and I have birthed them from my belly, each one beautiful and powerful in it's own right.
I am fiercely passionate about matters close to my heart, birth being one of the highest on the list, and you better believe that you have me in your corner supporting you every step of the way.
Hallie x